Career Growth Checklist for a Beginner Programmer in a 9-to-5 Job

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To grow your programming career exponentially, you will need technical & non-technical skills. Follow a holistic approach to growing your career by looking at several factors and areas of life.

Know yourself, determine your aspiration, select a career path, and do everything to achieve it by taking daily action. Look for your personal growth, not just in the organizational hierarchy.

Use this career growth checklist to build the career of your dreams. The special launch price of $4 is for the first 100 people.

You will also receive future updates to this checklist for free.

Please contact me at @authorvinod (Twitter) for feedback and questions.

What does this contain?

The checklist is divided into the following sections, each with a checklist and tips.

  1. Find Who You Are and What You Stand For
  2. Master Mechanics
  3. Take Charge of Your Aspirations
  4. Execution

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, shoot me a DM at @authorvinod (Twitter), and I'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

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Career growth checklist for a beginner programmer

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Career Growth Checklist for a Beginner Programmer in a 9-to-5 Job

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